BIOTechNZ News

New Zealand biotech companies stand out

This month was another great month for our biotech companies. BioTechNZ ran a very successful workshop in Wellington last week - Accelerating Crop Bioprotectant Development from New Zealand - with 50+ people in attendance. As well, the BioTechNZ Executive Council has been out and about talking to Government ministers about the role of biotech in New Zealand (traditional to modern biotech). 
BIOTechNZ News

Advanced Manufacturing Draft Industry Transformation Plan

NZTech thanks the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) for the opportunity to make a submission on the Advanced Manufacturing Draft Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) and provide feedback on the proposed industry development initiatives.
BIOTechNZ News

Rebuild your networking muscles: biotech events ahead

After more than two years of making connections via Zoom, members are eager to reconnect face-to-face and move around New Zealand and internationally. The border opening will greatly accelerate the change.
BIOTechNZ News

The modern biotechnology toolbox

I have been talking to media over the last month as there is a lot of interest around the outdated gene regulations in New Zealand, with the common theme “should New Zealand start having the discussion?”
BIOTechNZ News

Genetic technologies are a must for NZ to remain relevant and competitive

It was a big month for biotech. Firstly, BioTechNZ was in the media, highlighting that the New Zealand public appeared to have no issues with GMO ingredients on our supermarket shelves. This media stemmed from the Government response to the Productivity Commission’s report.