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May 20 - May 21
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


Te Papa
55 Cable Street
Wellington, 6011 New Zealand
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Crazy & Ambitious 2

Whakamana, tiaki, whakahou (empower, protect, restore)
From kauri dieback to small mammal predators, from brown marmorated stink bug to Xylella, from kākāhi to kākā, our second symposium will cover them all.

Enjoy panel discussions, live Q&As, quick-fire updates on the science and research being done across our 18 Challenge Parties, plus hear from an inspiring line-up of environmental thought leaders who will paint their vision for the Aotearoa of the future.

Earlybird ticket prices have been set: $199 for two-days and $125 for one day.
Spaces are limited so please click ‘keep in touch’ and you’ll be the first to know when registrations open.

Crazy & Ambitious 2 will be themed around the priorities in our new Strategy which sharpens the focus on achieving impacts in three areas: whakamana (empower); tiaki (protect); whakahou (restore). Impacts can be described as aspirational goals that will leave a legacy for New Zealand’s land- and freshwater-based ecosystems over a 20- to 30-year timeframe.

To ensure an integrated and collective approach to achieving these impacts, programmes of work are being jointly designed by Māori, communities, industry and end-user agencies.

Come along to Crazy & Ambitious 2 to join the discussion around questions including: How can science help achieve the Predator-Free 2050 goal? What’s the latest in freshwater restoration? How can we harness the power of collaboration and inspire every citizen to take action to protect our biological heritage?

Join the event on Facebook. #CA2