Advances in Crop Biocontrol
BioTechNZ and Plant & Food Research are exploring advances in crop biocontrol.
Find out more »Harnessing insects’ powerful sense of smell
Dr Andrew Kralicek and his team has spent the last decade working out how to harness insects’ outstanding sense of smell to revolutionise the world of electronic sensors.
Find out more »Techweek2021
Techweek2021 will be a mix of live, virtual and hybrid events so there’s something to suit everyone.
Find out more »TechWeek ’21 | DermaLayr, the fastest non-invasive dermal delivery platform
In conjunction with BioTechNZ, NanoLayr formerly known as Revolution Fibres is presenting the world's first bioactive nanofibre technology platform - DermaLayr on the TechWeek's stage.
Find out more »Capital games: raising capital for agritech business at Fieldays
Please join AgriTechNZ to explore raising capital for agritech business at Fieldays
Find out more »CleanTech Innovations in New Zealand
As organisations, communities and Government seek a cleaner and more sustainable form of economic growth, BioTech New Zealand and New Zealand IoT Alliance
Find out more »2021 ITX Innovation Days
ITx is New Zealand's largest independent tech conference, this year spread between 7 Innovation Days across the country.
Find out more »Cellular Agriculture
Cellular agriculture — industrial biotechnology for food, cosmetics and materials
Find out more »Bioresource Processing Alliance Māori Innovation Forum
The Bioresource Processing Alliance (BPA) is a research and development (R&D) programme funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
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